Although sedation dentistry is a great way to help many dental patients ease their anxiety, not everyone feels comfortable with the thought of prescription sedation drugs. If this is how you feel, we encourage you to ask our dentist and team about NuCalm® to settle any nervous energy you may have. This neuroscience technology is completely drug free and works to relax your brain and body by sending calming signals while blocking out stressful stimuli at the same time.
NuCalm: A Drug-Free Solution for Dental Anxiety
How NuCalm Works
When you choose NuCalm as a comfort amenity here at Boulder Valley Dental Center, you will be given an eye mask or light-blocking glasses with a set of noise-cancelling headphones for you to lay back and enjoy a soothing session with the NuCalm app. During your session, you will notice your stress hormone levels will dwindle as this technology works to guide your brain into a relaxed state.
Not only does this technology make you feel more at ease, but it also helps you bounce back quickly after your appointment with Dr. Annissa Michael allowing you to safely drive yourself home and get back to your daily activities.
Schedule Your NuCalm Consultation
If you have questions about NuCalm in Louisville, Colorado, and how it is a great option for dental patients who fear going to the dentist, please give us a call at 303-666-8820.